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Head Usher

This ministry description is available in a printable pdf format.

The head usher will regularly participate in worship services and will assist with literature distribution; welcoming, directing and seating guests and others as needed; and collecting offerings. He will make sure the ushers know and are trained to carry out their ministry responsibilities effectively.

Ministry Area/Department



Head usher

Accountable To

Associate Pastor/Pastor

Ministry Target

Congregation and guests

Position Is


Position May Be Filled By

Church member

Minimum Maturity Level

Growing Christian

Spiritual Gifts


Talents or Abilities Desired

Able to stand for periods of time • Enjoy greeting and seating people • Physically able to direct and assist with traffic flow in any weather condition • Enjoy working outside • Able to present a positive image and assist the disabled with parking and church entry

Best Personality Traits

Dependable-leader or dependable-expresser • Hospitable • Gracious

Passion For

Serving and welcoming others

Length of Service Commitment

One year

Anticipated Time Commitments

1. Doing ministry/preparing for ministry: one-and-a-half hours a week. Arrive at least 15 minutes prior to a scheduled church service.

2. Participating in meetings/training: minimal, as needed (not to exceed once a quarter)


  1. Declared in Article 4, Section 12 of the Church Constitution
  2. His duties shall be to:

    A. Appoint and supervise ushers for all public meetings of the church. He shall also appoint one to take his place in his absence.

    B. Arrange to courteously welcome and comfortably seat attendees at times of least disturbance to the devotional part of the service.

    C. Check and regulate temperatures, and ventilation of the room during services.

    D. Count and keep record of the attendance at services, reporting the same to the pastor. See #14

    E. Appoint six ushers. Four ushers to take offerings, two to work in the inside aisle, and two to work the outside aisles.

    F. Arrange for the counting and securing of offerings received by at least two persons, preferably the ushers.

  3. Attend worship services.
  4. Wear conservative dress clothes.
  5. Watch for and welcome guests.
  6. Assist guests and members and latecomers with seating as needed. People should not be seated during prayer, Scripture reading and special music.
  7. Distribute literature as called upon, such as visitor packets, bulletins, sermon outlines, tracts, etc.
  8. Receive tithes and offerings and leave them with the appropriate person.
  1. The offering should be cared for immediately.
  2. The offering should be cared for by the head usher (or his substitute) and at least one other person.
  3. Loose Currency and Coins should be counted and recorded in the notebook provided. The total must be initialed by the head usher (or his substitute) and one other usher.
  4. The checks and tithing envelopes should be placed in the moneybag along with the currency and coins.
  5. The moneybag should be hand delivered to the church financial secretary as soon as possible.
  1. Offer directions when needed.
  2. Open doors, operate the lift, and assist elderly and disabled individuals as needed.
  3. Direct traffic and parking when crowd and traffic congestion warrants it.
  4. Offer to provide an umbrella escort for elderly, disabled and visitors if it is raining.
  5. Attend and participate in the annual Ushers and Greeters Banquet.
  6. The sound room technician will do the counting of attendees. It is the head ushers job to periodically check to make sure this is happening.

*Currently working toward this.


Signature of Nominee: _____________________ Date of Signature: ___________