The sovereignty of God has become a very popular subject these days. And indeed we as the followers of Jesus Christ find great comfort in this doctrine of sovereignty. However this subject of sovereignty is just one side of another very important issue and that is the responsibility of man.
God’s sovereignty is not exercised in a vacuum. There are those, who it seems to me, believe that unless God exercises His sovereignty in an arbitrary way He is not sovereign. However to assign to God such arbitrariness is really foreign to all that He is. God is a God of justice and fairness and His sovereignty is expressed in a way that is true to His nature.
If you were to follow the many sovereign acts of God throughout the Old Testament you find them most often preceded with the words, “if” or “because”. These two very important words cite the responsibility of the acts of men. This does not put man in charge, but it does make man responsible for the consequences he receives.
Balance has always been an important part of good Bible doctrine and understanding. Always remember: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."1
12 Timothy 2:15