Freedom Is A Great Challenge

Published on 06/15/08

There is an issue today that is discussed regarding the presence of sin and its purpose or cause. Man, by his obtuse nature, seems often quick to blame God for this condition. As man's argument would proceed; "If God is all knowing and all powerful, why would He allow such a thing as sin in the world? He must therefore not be so good as some would have us to believe".

However, this same man would argue for his freedom and unrestrained volition. The reality is that he cannot have it both ways. If he is to be free then his choice for good over and against evil must not be constrained. Certainly none wish to accept responsibility for their evil acts, but at the same time they will demand their personal freedom.

Here then is the reality; the richness of life that is found in the nature of such things as love, devotion, loyalty and compassion can only be had if freedom of will is allowed. It is in this reality that man differs from the beast. We do not function by instinct but by reason and intelligence. Unlike the beast we are culpable for our actions and that reality presents both an unequaled available depth of joy and richness of life and a corresponding jeopardy when our choices are evil and unwise.

May God grant you grace to make wise and godly choices.