When Establishments Loose Their Bearings

Published on 04/25/16

There is a subtle danger in all of our institutions. Institutions are groups or organizations that we develop to address certain needs and goals that we believe we can achieve better in numbers. The underlying foundation of these institutions is the needs and goals we are driven to achieve. The danger is when these institutions take on a life of their own which is outside of the purposes we define.

These institutions generally have personnel, and for these personnel the institution has become their livelihood. And so for these “personnel” the preservation of the institution becomes a greater motivation than the purpose of the institution.

This helps us define and understand the insanity of our present political actions and discussions of our day. Imagine trusting our present political establishments today (Democrat or Republican) that have over the past forty years presided over the growth of a 20 trillion-dollar debt. We have to have our heads in the sand to believe these leaders have any genuine interest in our country that rises above their own self-interest.

Realizing this helps me understand the growing lack of trust in traditional politicians and what seems to be an anti-establishment movement in our country. I am watching this political cycle with great interest. These are not insignificant times and the choices we make will be very consequential.

While this dynamic exists within our governments, it also exists within our churches. It is a subtle and critical temptation for us to trim and compromise our real purposes to extend and benefit the lives of our institutions. Wise and courageous are the people that can identify and remain faithful to their purpose.