Wealth and Possessions

Published on 10/13/08

Yesterday we examined Solomon's observations regarding the matter of wealth and possessions.

It is important to remind ourselves at this point that though Solomon was the writer of this book, it is God who is the author. That is what we mean when we speak of the Bible being inspired. It is in fact the words of God. However you may view the matter of wealth and possessions, this is the truth about them!

Wealth and possessions are of themselves vain, and meaningless in the larger scope of the absolute realities of life. A hot dog eaten around a campfire, over a picnic table or at a rare Duncan-fife table is yet a hot dog. Wealth is greatly overrated. That is especially true in many of the popular New Evangelical churches today that are promoting what we have commonly called a health and wealth gospel. They are pure lies that are being use to ensnare a more than willing crowd of "wannabes".

Solomon tells us the truth about these matters and the reality that we ought to "sit loose" to the trivial matters of this life. We shall learn much more about these things as we continue through the book of Ecclesiastes.

I encourage you to be with us each Sunday.