Yesterday we spent the day looking at the place and power of the Word of God.
It seems that we believers often misunderstand the mysterious place that the Bible holds in our lives. We fail to understand both the unique content of the Bible and the inability of an unconverted person to read and understand the Word. When an unconverted person reads and studies the Bible it becomes little more than a history book. Not that there is not some value to that history, but the real power of the Word to confront and convert the soul is connected with the indispensable ministry of the Holy Spirit.
This is why the apostle Paul was so very careful about how he did gospel ministry and why he said so much about reliance upon the power of God and the work of the Holy Spirit.
True conversion is coupled with an amazing reality and that is a “love of the truth”.
…. because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2 Thess. 2:10
True conversion is coupled with a willingness to accept the truth about man, sin and God’s provision. This is something that goes contrary to man. This reality is just altogether too humbling for most and so they reject the message of the Bible to their own eternal loss.
Have you embraced the truth about your lost position before God and accepted what Jesus Christ has done for you? Your condition without Christ isn’t pretty, but it is true.