The Value of Meekness

Published on 05/11/09

Yesterday we had the privilege to celebrate Mother’s Day. In our celebration of the day we showed a quick video of our children responding to questions about mothers. In their responses the clear theme that came from the children was, “mom is someone who cares for you”. What a brilliant and exhaustive description that is of a mother. A mother is someone who has lost her life in the service of her children.

How very sad it is that in our American world there are those who fail to really appreciate this level of sacrifice and the value and importance of it. What a great illustration this is of meekness. It is the setting aside of personal interests for the good of her children.

We at Bethel Baptist Church salute our mothers and say a hearty well done to those who have successfully negotiated those years and we affirm those who are making those sacrifices today and assure them that they will never regret the sacrifices they are making to be godly mothers.