The “Father’s Business”

Published on 01/13/14

Yesterday in the Morning Service we studied a portion of Luke, chapter two. It is in this section of Scripture that the young lad, Jesus, is found in the temple discussing doctrine with the leaders of the temple. The “doctors” were amazed at the understanding that Jesus demonstrated and it appears that this 12-year-old boy held them in rapt attention. It was here and in this activity that Mary and Joseph found Him. You will remember that Mary and Joseph were very concerned, having lost tract of their son for now three days. In response to the questioning rebuke of His mother, Jesus responded with these words, “…wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?”

Pastor Weber reminded us yesterday that His Father’s business was not that of carpentry. By this point of His life He was fully aware of whom His Father was and what the purpose of His life was. This is a reality that is worthy of your careful consideration and thoughtful attention. That, as a twelve-year-old He was so aware and focused is amazing, is it not. It is just another evidence of His deity.

My purpose today however is to make another observation. Ought we not also be “about our Father’s business?” Look with me at this week’s Scripture memory portion:

Matthew 10:38-39 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Is this not our Lord’s instruction to be “…about the Father’s business?” The word “worthy” in this portion is challenging indeed. Is your attitude and conduct worthy of the great benefits you have received in Christ? Do we really understand the privilege that is ours to be the “Sons of God”? We get wrapped up in a lot of things these days, let’s work at getting wrapped up in Christ.