The Coming Election

Published on 10/05/16

I read a magazine this morning that I most often just ignore, but in that it cited election year issues and is written from a Bible believer’s perspective, I read it this month. In a spirit of full disclosure, it was the October issue of “Baptist Bible Tribune”.

There was much that I found very helpful and encouraging. However, in the space I have here, I will cite just two matters. One author brought to our attention the distortion that came into our churches and individual lives through the “Moral Majority” movement. It seems to me, now that I look back, that it was a time that we in idolatry, entered “into the hills” rather than to simply fulfill our mission as believers and trust in God. The wreckage that lies in the wake of that movement yet disrupts and troubles our churches. I have been saying that for some time now, and it was helpful and encouraging for me to see others that recognize the same.

Another thing that I saw was the statement of a Russian Christian leader: “...he laughed at us, saying in his thick Russian accent. “You Americans need to remember, God is in control”. This was quoted by Charles Lyons, Pastor of Armitage Baptist Church, Chicago, Illinois.

It is not that we ought not to be active politically as believers, but rather that we ought to keep it in perspective of all that we are in Christ and what our ultimate mission is as His children. Our mission is not nation building, but rather to be God honoring, Christ preaching examples of justice and judgment.