So What is God Doing in Your Life?

Published on 09/09/13

I certainly enjoyed yesterday’s Sunday School class. It was about the excursion of the two spies into Jericho. There is much in this story to catch our attention. It is here that we are introduced to Rahab. She is a splendid illustration of God’s amazing grace. While often getting caught up in the conflict about her lie, we loose sight of some things that ought also to catch our attention.

The fact that all within this city were so taken by the reputation of God and how they were captured in a fear of God and His people is a very important observation. The fact that Rahab, taken by this same fear, chose to trust in God and switch her allegiance to the God of Israel, is such a great picture of the conversion of a soul.

The activity of the spies is a great picture of how we are often so oblivious to what God is doing. They were fully persuaded they were on a military mission. However, it is apparent that they were there as “missionaries”. It was the job of these spies to secure within the city those who had come to trust in the God of Israel.

When we go into our communities this week to work or to visit or to purchase groceries, do we understand that in all likelihood we involved in a far greater mission of representing our Lord? We are here to secure those who have chosen to walk in the fear of the Lord. I wonder how often we are used of God and at the same time, are oblivious to what He is doing?

It was a great Sunday school class. Don’t miss these great opportunities.