Political Mumbo Jumbo!

Published on 12/27/11

It is yet early in this election year, but I for one am already weary of all the political posturing that is being done. And certainly the media and press are very much complicit in all of this fiery debate. While our nation wallows in a debt that very well could drown us, most of what we hear is who has scored the latest “political” victory. Political victory indeed, while we the people suffer the effects of men who care far more about maintaining their position and power rather than governing our nation with saneness and integrity. That of course is a judgment call and I trust it is not reflective of all those who are in leadership over us.

I wonder where the men are that will just stand for what is right and moral and let the chips fall where they may? Have we become a people so driven by self-interest that we can no longer even see the cost and effect of that selfishness? The old stories such as the “Golden Goose” and the “Emperor’s Clothes” are no longer fairy tales but rather commentaries on the United States Congress.

So then, how do we as believers respond to all of this? It is my judgment that politics is inescapable, it has been present with our nation since the beginning. We then of necessity cannot divorce ourselves from political involvement but must do our part in being sanely politically active and most certainly vote with wisdom and integrity.

However, our greatest power is the power of prayer. Paul has instructed us to pray for our nation:

1 Timothy 2:1-3 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

We, as God’s children, know of God’s unlimited power, wisdom and ability to move and manipulate kingdoms and kings. We don’t need the right kings so much as we need God’s grace in directing and preserving our kingdom! Let us not go so far as to put our trust in men, but let us pray and put our trust in God!