A Fuller View of God

Published on 12/12/11

This weekend a few of us men were discussing our experiences we have had in speaking with the lost about Christ. A comment that many have experienced, which unfortunately is not uncommon, is that a resistant lost soul will at times reference some of the events in the Old Testament where God commanded his armies to destroy entire cities; men, women and children. And they will say, based on these events, that they have no interest in such a God. To be sure these are difficult matters to assimilate and understand. However, that is a very narrow view of God. It is this same God that has since the creation of the world, planned and provided for the salvation of man, sparing no expense to the extreme of even yielding up His Son to pay the penalty of our sin. That incidentally is what comprises a major part of the Christmas celebration.

Galatians 4:4-5 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

These types of resistant arguments are for the most part just a twisted excuse to maintain personal autonomy and place the blame upon God. On the other hand, God is far larger than our poor minds can comprehend and He must be accepted and loved by faith, and that demands a commitment to know Him more fully. We need not attempt to excuse or defend any actions of God, nor ought we to fear these foolish objections raised by rebellious souls. Our God far exceeds our poor attempt to explain Him. Let us just love and serve Him well.