Peaceful Living

Published on 01/10/11

According to Philippians chapter four, peace is a place we arrive at by living up to and within Biblical standards. In the first six verses of this chapter you will find four directives that are necessary to find peace.

First, it is the requirement to be willing to find reconciliation founded upon the values and principles of Scripture. That is the meaning of being “of the same mind in the Lord”.

Second, it the necessity of finding your main and sustaining source of life in Christ, and that is the sense of “rejoice in the Lord”.

The third requirement is to take a “moderate” course in life. It means to be sweetly reasonable in the matter of your expectations about life and to live gently with one another.

The fourth step is to “Be careful for nothing”. This is an exhortation about anxiety. Anxiety is a terrible corrosive. It will destroy life. The answer to anxiety is to resolve it through a prayer relationship with God than moves you to trust in Him. Anxiety is plainly the wrong reaction to the circumstances of life. Faith and trust is the proper reaction.

Peace is something you can have, but not apart from these four dynamics.