
Published on 03/14/16

There are times when history moves ahead with a giant step. Things that we might associate with that would be the signing of the Declaration of Independence or the conclusion of the Civil War.

We are coming up upon the celebration of the greatest “giant step” of history in the next two weeks. It is what we commonly speak of as the Easter season. It is here that we celebrate the event that resulted in the payment of the penalty of man’s sin and the redemption of those who by faith will trust in Christ.

It is good and proper that we should contemplate that this was something that had to happen. There would be no hope of salvation if this penalty were not paid. And it had to “really” happen. It could not be “virtual”. On the cross, late that afternoon Christ proclaimed, “it is finished”. Jesus had entered into a task that was clearly beyond the capacity of any but Himself and He successfully accomplished the job and it was endorsed by His resurrection.

I have little doubt that this event will stand throughout all eternity as the greatest event in history.

1 John 4:10
Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!