Faith and Intelligence

Published on 08/14/13

This morning I was met by the following news:

(Rob Waugh 3 hours ago Yahoo! News) Religious people are less intelligent than atheists, study finds...

Religious people are less intelligent than non-believers, according to a new review of 63 scientific studies stretching back over decades.

I often wonder about these “scientific” findings. Here is a little something that I found with very little effort:

The following men, were men of faith and belief in God:

Copernicus, Bacon, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Pascal, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Planck and Einstein.

I had the opportunity years ago to listen to the testimony of a dear Christian man, Raymond Vahan Damadian, who is the man who invented and designed the MRI machine. He was denied the Nobel Prize because he believed in creation. Dr. James Kennedy did a great program years ago citing dozens of men of faith who were some of the greatest scientists of the past centuries.

These things being said, we must also acknowledge that faith is not a step of intelligence, it is rather, a step of admitted belief. And that belief begins with the acknowledgment that our world and universe cannot be accounted for by the theory of evolution. Einstein, though it appears that he never came to a well-founded belief in a personal God, said that creation is the only intelligent answer for our world.

It would seem rather to me that “intelligence” is no barrier and neither is it an aid to belief. “Faith” is rather an honest approach to the facts that are evident in the wonderful world in which we live. So I ask you, are you honest about what you see?

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.