A Conflict of Information

Published on 10/26/15

One of the things that lies at the center of the conflict between Christianity and the world is the conflict of information. The world is absolutely resistant to any information content that is absolute in nature that does not find its origin in man. It may also be said that man rejects most or all information that claims to be absolute. This is a reflection upon man himself. Authority is no small matter. Man has always bristled against authority.

True Christianity identifies a group of folks who have come to the acceptance of an authority outside of themselves. The world then characterizes this acceptance as an escape of weak minds and wills. I find it interesting that instead of facing the issue on its merits they instead attack those who hold the position as weak minded.

When facing the idea of God having given a special revelation to man and considering the logic and reasonableness of such a disclosure they at some point abandon the idea and opt for a denial of its possibility. Such abandonment proves only one thing and that is that they have chosen a different branch or path of logic. It is no proof that their path of logic is superior.

It seems to me that in either case it becomes a matter of faith. It is either a faith in man or a faith in God. For those of us who have chosen God, we find great rest and confidence in His revelation to man.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The Scriptures then become our guide for life's beliefs and choices. It is not something that we are called upon to defend. It is rather something we are called upon to be faithful to.