Benefits of Wisdom—AM (Ecclesiastes)

Published on 05/26/09
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Three Characteristics of Those Who Follow God—PM

Published on 05/18/09

On the Path of Character and Providence—AM (Ecclesiastes)

Published on 05/18/09

Two More Godly Women, Naomi & Ruth—PM (Mother’s Day)

Published on 05/11/09

Hannah: A Lesson in Meekness—AM (Mother’s Day)

Published on 05/10/09

Preparation for Conflict—PM

Published on 05/06/09
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Acquiring Character—AM (Ecclesiastes)

Published on 05/04/09

The Power of Love—PM (1 Corinthians 13)

Published on 04/27/09

The Acquisition of Character—AM (Ecclesiastes)

Published on 04/27/09

These Things I Say Unto You—PM

Published on 04/20/09
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