
Published on 07/06/10

Having just celebrated the birth of our nation, it is a good thing to remind ourselves that patriotism is urged upon us by the Scriptures. A careful reading of Romans, Chapter 13 will certainly convince you that God fully oversees affairs in not only our personal lives but also in the affairs of nations. Paul in his writing to Timothy urges prayer for our governmental leaders. Texts of this variety teach us that our leaders are to be respected and among conservative people today that is indeed a challenge.

In this matter of patriotism it is good for us to understand that patriotism to our nation is patriotism first to an idea. We so easily get attached to the land and privileges of our nation failing to recognize that the real and true issue is an idea. The signers of our Declaration of Independence clearly stated that the core issue of their separation from Great Britain was a “self evident” belief in God and His creative work and the freedoms that are to be held for all men. When we loose sight of this idea we loose sight of the real America.

It matters not if America is poor or rich, a swamp land, fertile hills, or majestic mountains. America is a moral principle founded in the eternal God and His creative work. I fear that this is an idea that is being lost and even intentionally hidden.