
Published on 06/08/15

The most dominant characteristic of the coming ruler of the world according to Scriptures is “lawlessness”.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

“…that man of sin…” is the one who is defined as the lawless one. It does not take much thought and extrapolation to come to the conclusion that before a “lawless” one can be welcomed as a world leader, the world itself must become “lawless”.

That is the world we are living in. To site just a couple of examples: abortion, the killing of millions of children is a welcome and encouraged practice in our nation. Second, I would site the rise and acceptance of homosexuality. To fail to acknowledge that as a perversion is clearly a matter of “lawlessness”. Imagine that it has become a virtue to both accept and encourage such practices! It is not this coming leader’s responsibility that the world has become lawless, it is rather that this lawless world has made place for him. If you were looking for “signs” that we are entering into the last days this would be a major indication of such a time.

We have come up against times of great iniquity in the past and whether this is a mark of the future end times is yet to be determined. However, it will be, unless we experience another great revival. At this point in my mind either event is welcome. A revival or His return.