Image and the Ego

Published on 01/19/15

The “ego” is most broadly defined as self-interest. I find in these latter years of my life that this ego is no friend whatever. I must admit that it is most often my first consideration in the matters of life. How will these new circumstances or situations or even these old and continuing circumstances affect me! And not any less is the consideration of how these circumstances or even relationships will affect my perceived image. It's is just the same old adage; “it's all about me”.

I wonder at times, how is it that I have come to this narrow and selfish view of life? I’d like to think that it has something to do with how I was raised and the circle of my friendships in the earlier part of my life. It must have been those influences, it could not be that within myself I am so twisted. Or, could it be that this sin nature that inhabits all of us since the fall of man has tied us to this horrible and contemptible self-interest? I read in the Scriptures these so attractive and hopeful words:

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

As much as I wish the world were different, I find that the greater enemy that I face is not the world, but myself! Often I can mask this self-interest with things like denial or even a form of strong self-discipline, however, that demon yet sits within my heart and rises to nearly every occasion with its beggarly thoughts and ideas. Good examples, like my lovely wife, are a help in learning to be freed from this creature within, but I yet find a greater deliverance in this simple instruction from our Savior:

Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

My greatest help is to remember, it isn’t about me, it is rather about Him! In the words of an old hymn writer, “I’ll live for Him, Who died for me, How happy then my life shall be…