Christ’s Use of Prophecy

Published on 05/26/15

Matthew 24 and 25 stand alone as our Savior’s most clear declaration of the future. I find it compelling to notice that half of His declaration in this section deals with how a believer ought to respond to this information.

Prophecy ought to change our behavior. It is not merely something to salve and satisfy our curiosity. About a decade ago when the bottom dropped out of the housing market, many would have given much to have known that was going to happen. Much wealth and investment was lost in those days.

How much greater is it to know what lies ahead in the future that will define for us our eternity. We have gone through a period of time that has been called the “modern age” and it really has not done much lasting good for us. While we have many modern conveniences and have enjoyed what seems to a greater amount of wealth, the thing that has been lost is a consciousness of God. That consciousness of God is going to be regained as he reveals Himself in the regathering and restoring of Israel and the judgment of the nations that lies ahead.

This being the future of the world, Christ urges men to respond to this reality. How good it is that this time does not have to come upon us a “thief”. The question lies before you, will you prepare? Or will you loose everything?