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Scripture Under Scrutiny

We shared this lesson with the youth group last Wednesday. We missed several of you. Please look over the information so that you will be prepared for next Wednesday. We'll begin our time reviewing the "Think About It."

The Accounts of Scripture

Like any book, the Bible has a beginning, a middle, and an end.

The Bible begins by explaining the origin of the universe as well as the origin of humanity.

If you know your origins and your destination, you will have an idea of the route.

Arriving at an intersection with a broken signpost, you can replace the sign with the origin pointing where you have come from, and the other directions become clear.

Origin + Destination = Route

Society has lost the knowledge of its origin, so it has no idea of the destination or the route to get there.

How a person views his origin (in the image of an ape or of God) will impact the way he lives his life.

The world is full of sin and suffering—the Bible has the explanation with the entrance of sin into the world.

The plan to remedy the problems of sin was presented in Genesis 3:15 and fulfilled in John 3:16.

The ultimate ending, where God will create a new heavens and a new earth, will be one in the presence of the Lord.

The middle of the book contains the accounts of Abraham and all of the special people and events that would ultimately lead to the birth of Jesus.

As a unique book in ancient literature, the failures of the leaders are displayed in the Bible.

The moral instructions and history of the Bible are unique in their presentation.

A primary purpose of Scripture is to reveal God!

Creation: a God of unlimited wisdom and power

Laws: a God of moral standards

History: a God in control

Jesus Christ: a God of compassion

Letters: a God concerned about the whole of life

Revelation: a God who has written the last chapter of history

Why Is the Bible True?

The Bible claims to be the Word of God over 400 times in the Old Testament alone, so it can be trusted as so.

It may be claimed that this is an example of self-authentication (circular reasoning). However, all reasoning is based on a foundational assumption, and we exercise self-authentication all of the time.

2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that all Scripture is God-breathed from the Greek word theopneustos.

Rather than inspired, as many translations would read, the Bible was actually expired by God. The Bible came from God.

2 Peter 1:21 tells us how we got the Bible—men writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

“The Holy Spirit moved men to write. He allowed them to use their own language, their own style, their own gifts, and their own culture. But the Holy Spirit overruled in the expression of thought and the choice of words. So that they recorded accurately all that God wanted them to say and exactly how He wanted them to say it.”

The Bible is a harmony of the active mind of the writer and the sovereign direction of the Holy Spirit.

The reliability of all parts of the Christian faith is tied to the reliability of the text of Scripture.

The Bible is essential for understanding salvation and provides the teaching, convicting, correcting, and training necessary for the Christian life.

We can know the Bible is true in two ways:

1. The Bible has the “ring of truth” as we listen to what it teaches.

So many have died to defend it, for others to be able to read it and have it as the authoritative words of life.

2. The evidence clearly confirms the Bible as true in every detail.

Many scholars agree that the truthfulness of both the Old and New Testament accounts are of the highest caliber.

Robert Dick Wilson

Sir William Ramsay

King Sarong was believed to be a fictitious king, but was later discovered to be an important figure and is now well known.

The command of a census from Luke 2 was unthinkable until a scroll with such a command was found.

We do not believe the Bible is true because archaeologists have confirmed it, but because it is the Word of God, as it claims.

Nine Reasons We Can Trust the Bible

Its Accuracy demonstrates it.

Its Unity supports it.

Thinking minds endorse it.

Human nature requires it.

Our Savior taught from it.

Revelation (fulfilled prophecy) confirms it.

Its own claim (self-authentication) demands it.

The Character of God secures it.

Your personal experience illustrates it.

It is a unique book, with a unique message, about a unique Man!

Think About It

How do most people view the Bible? How should Christians?

How would you explain to an unbeliever the connection between our view of origins and the way we live our lives?

If the Bible is the ultimate authority, explain why archaeological evidence (or any other evidence) cannot prove that the bible is true.

Most people would reject the Bible because it claims to be the Word of God. This is self-authenticated (circular) reasoning. Is it valid to reject the Bible based on this claim?