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Christ's Kingdom

by Dr. Rick Shrader
October 2—October 5, 2011

Dr. Shrader is the senior pastor of Metro Baptist Church. He is also the founder of Aletheia Baptist Ministries.

This is a four part sermon series from the life of Christ that is related to the Kingdom of God. Jesus came to offer His own people, the Jews, the Kingdom of God, the same Kingdom that is yet to come in our future and will be on this earth for one thousand years. Jesus Christ came into His own, and they did not receive Him. Though they should have "seeked first" His kingdom and righteousness, they did not. Though "all of these things" would have been added unto them, they were not because of their rejection. Yet "all of these things" will come in the future.

Jesus Christ demonstrated through His words and works that He was indeed the King of Israel, the promised Messiah. He demonstrated His power in order to reveal Himself to those He sought to save.

Session 1

Matthew 8—Jesus Christ's Power Over Nature
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Session 2

Matthew 8—Jesus Christ's Power Over Satan and Demons
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Session 3

Luke 8—Jesus Christ's Power Over Death
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Session 4

Mark 2—Jesus Christ's Power Over Sin
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